日本財団 図書館


Panel Discussion


『To Proceed "Glocalism" for the future』


● Coordinator
Mr.Yukihisa FUJITA (Exective Director of International Morsl Re-Armament Association)
● Panelist
Mr. Andreas Van ACT (Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands)
Dr. Ezra F. VOGEL (Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard)
Mr. Hisahiko OKAZAKI (Former Ambassador Exordinary and Plenipotentiary to Thailand.)


Fujita: I understand that the theme assigned to the panel discussion today is "a new global system that meets the era of glocalism." The word "glocalism" has been coined by putting "globalism" arid "localism" together, as mentioned in the opening speech by President Kanai.



Mr. Yukihisa FUJITA


Under the theme "a new global system that meets the era of glocalism." I would like the three panelists to participate in the discussion later by answering my questions. Before we proceed to the panel discussion, please allow me to present what I have thought about concerning the meaning of the theme.
It seems that we have a relatively large number of managers here, since this conference is organized by ,J.C. I am going to describe, therefore, how globalism and localism can be linked, by referring to "stakeholders."
The word "stakeholder" was originally used in stakes, or gambling. Recently, however, it is often used in connection with corporate activities for social contribution A bulletin issued by one of the councils of the Federation of Economic Organizations is entitled 'Stakeholders.'
In Japanese, the word is translated as "interested parties surrounding a corporation." I am going to describe a process of development of a corporation as an example, to provide full understanding of the concept of "stakeholders." First of all, as capitalism occurs, managers start capitalistic companies in order to expand profit. If managers or capitalists keep the profit for themselves, problems will arise between labor and management over the income of employees. Then, managers of "Japanese-like" companies establish a system that produces identity between the interests of individual employees and those of the corporation itself, thus developing a firm with an extremely good relationship between labor and management.
However, even if a relationship between labor and management is improved, problems will





